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6:30 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall
1196 Main Street

Members Present: Barbara Kohlstrom, Co-Chair; Michael Wronski, Co-Chair, Celeste Duffy, Joe Giotta, Kimberly Ferguson, Cheryl Owoc

SubCommittee Members: Ed Starkus, Paul McManus, Richard Sheils, Ed Starkus, Rose Johnson, Judy Haran

Staff: Pamela Harding, Town Planner

Consultants were not present at this meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Various logos created by WRHS student Emily Carlson were distributed. A logo at the bottom of the page was selected. The Committee requested silhouettes of buildings resemble those located in the central area of Town, (Town Hall and the church etc.); color should be added to the logo, red, white and blue, or just blue and white if it is cheaper to copy; the name chosen for the process should be incorporated.

After discussion of various names Holden Tomorrow, Planning Our Future Together was chosen.

A list of stakeholders was distributed, P. McManus stated he had drafted a letter informing various Committee Chairs that the Master Planning process was beginning and they would be contacted in the near future for information and input. P. Harding will get addresses for various stakeholders that are readily available, the Committee will aid in identifying stakeholders that could not be located .

The Committee liked the School Outreach plan completed by Daphne Politis. M. Wronski will contact the Superintendent and the School Committee to determine if the plan is feasible.

J. Giotta suggested creating an informational power point presentation for meetings.

Landmark Articles will be published as needed in the Round Table section.

The Committee will be attending the Selectmens meeting on July 17, 2006 to introduce themselves and present the finalized logo. The Co-Chairs will be contacting the Landmark to place an article in the paper.

J. Giotta stated that Phil Mighdoll, creator of the Princeton Master Planning web site has agreed to create a similar web site for Holden. The price would be $300-$400 for a web site similar to Princetons and $25 an hour for the upkeep of that site. The Committee agreed it was a very important tool to have. Links to the web site should be provided through the Town homepage and the library web site as well.

Holden Days -  A 10 x 20 open area has been reserved, B. Kohlstrom stated she had a 10 x 10 pop up tent. R. Sheils stated he had a folding table, the Committee still needs a few chairs and possibly a banner with the logo. The creation of brochures and flyers were discussed. A mission statement should be included in both. M. Wronski and C. Duffy volunteered to work on these items.

It was requested the consultant be asked if they have a template or ideas and language of things that could be incorporated.

The Committee discussed having children draw their favorite things about Holden to display at the Holden Days booth. Possible locations to have children draw pictures prior to Holden Days would be Dawson Pool and the Town Library.

Surveys, suggestion boxes, location and methods were discussed. A few key questions to spark peoples interest at Holden Days was suggested. The location of wishing walls and suggestion boxes at the Senior Center, Town Hall and the Library were also discussed. P. McManus suggested asking questions with a ranking system on how important the topic was to the resident, for example; How important is the preservation of Open Space to you? 1-5. The Committee would like to discuss options with the consultant.

A letter received form Brian Bullock, Town Manager regarding Town owned tax title property was discussed. In particular a 72 acre parcel off of Bullard Street. The Master Plan Committee agreed that a letter should be written requesting no action be taken on any of the parcels until all possible uses were evaluated through the Master Planning process.

The next meeting was rescheduled from June 22 to June 21, same time and location.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Approved Date